Important Parts of a Condensing Steam Boiler
In order for a steam boiler to work properly, it is important that all of the parts are in good condition. One of the most important parts of a steam boiler is the condensing section. …
In order for a steam boiler to work properly, it is important that all of the parts are in good condition. One of the most important parts of a steam boiler is the condensing section. …
Types of Nuclear Reactor Power Plants There are many concepts for nuclear reactors, however, in this article, we will discuss a few of the following types of power plants that have been developed commercially. Pressurized …
What is Sodium Graphite Reactor? The sodium graphite reactor is a typical liquid metal reactor. The arrangement of the sodium graphite reactor power plant is shown in the figure. Sodium Graphite Reactor Power Plant It …
What is a Fast Breeder Reactor? When uranium U-235 is fissioned by slow neutrons it produces heat and an additional neutron. In case a fertile material like U-238 is kept in the same reactor surrounding …
Read moreFast Breeder Reactor (FBR) Power Plant | Advantages and Disadvantages
What is a CANDU Reactor? A reactor developed and designed by Canadian is called CANDU (CANadian Deuterium Uranium ) reactor. It uses pressurized heavy water (which has 99.8% deuterium oxide ) as a moderator and primary coolant. Natural …
Read moreCANDU Reactor Power Plant | Advantages and Disadvantages
What is Gas Cooled Reactor? A gas cooled reactor was first developed in the U.K. which uses CO2 as a coolant instead of water and graphite as a moderator. It is also called a Gas …
Read moreGas Cooled Reactors (GCR) Power Plant | Advantages and Disadvantages